
If you would like to assist in research on Count St.Germain, please send me an email

I prefer to work with people with degrees or who are in current pursuit of a degree that relates to the Count like History, Religion, French, Art History, Chemistry, or Music.  I'm flexible on this though.  I do ask that all citations be kept in Chicago style formatting.  Try to maintain objectivity.

If you would like to simply submit something for the blog, please send me an email at the above email address.  Please include as much information as you can (who, why, what, when, where, how).

I am NOT looking for information on "I AM" Activity.  Sorry.

Here are some things that I'm looking for, if you want to contribute:
  •  The portrait on the main blog page by Nicholas Thomas was done in color.  The question is: Where is it now?  It was at the Louvre, but after a few months of correspondence with the museum I found that they don't have it.  I'd like to see it in color.
  • The Count was an artist and was known to use very brilliant colors, as well as colors that used crushed mother-of-pearl to give them a jeweled gleam.  Don't know where these paintings are.  Its possible that these paintings are listed under "Unknown Artist" and not Count St.Germain.  Carlo Van Loo and Maurice Quentin de la Tour were big fans of the Count's work.
  • Theories/Deciphers of the Count's books.
  • Memoirs and other personal accounts that mention the Count.
  • Newspapers, Articles, Pamphlets, etc that mention the Count.